

Frequently Asked Questions

Geneal FAQ's

For those considering enrollment at the Australian College of Management and Innovation (ACMi), the application process is open to all students, both within and outside Australia. You can apply directly by using the Online Enrolment Application Form. If you opt to use an agent for assistance, we recommend utilizing our registered agents. For a list of our registered agents, please visit

According to the latest regulations, if an overseas student has not completed six (calendar) months of their principal course, they may not be permitted to transfer between registered providers. To transfer to ACMi within the initial six months of your principal course, you will need to obtain a release from your original provider or meet one of the conditions:

  • The releasing registered provider, or the course in which the overseas student is enrolled, has ceased to be registered
  • The releasing registered provider has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the ESOS agency that prevents the overseas student from continuing his or her course at that registered provider
  • Any government sponsor of the overseas student considers the change to be in the overseas student’s best interests and has provided written support for the change.
    • Please note that approval for the transfer is subject to the specific circumstances outlined in the regulations. For detailed information on the transfer process and eligibility criteria, please contact the international student office at ACMi. They will provide guidance and assist you through the necessary steps

This is the step-by-step guide for prospective students applying to ACMi, ensuring clarity and ease throughout the application process.

For most courses at ACMi, students are required to attend college 3 days a week.

No, the college does not have student housing or accommodation facilities. However, we recommend exploring various external options to find suitable accommodation in Perth. Please note that ACMi has no affiliation with any accommodation providers, and we have no control over their business. You can visit the following websites to explore housing options:

  • Perth
  • Real
  • Easy

At ACMi, we do offer weekend classes at certain times. To find out if this flexible option is available for your preferred intake, reach out to our friendly admissions team at Please note that while we do offer weekend classes, we don't currently provide part-time or short courses.

Prior to enrolling in the unit/s you intend to be granted, you must notify ACMi. The best way to receive credit transfer is to submit an application for the course/s you want to take at ACMi, together with your statements of attainment and other admissions-required paperwork. You will receive a Letter of Offer containing credits that might go towards the qualification you plan to pursue at ACMi. If your credit transfer is approved, you won't have to pay the associated fees, show up, or take the corresponding courses again. If there is any doubt regarding validity or verification, the RTO maintains the right to ask the issuing RTO for more information.

To create your USI number, please go to this link and click on ‘Create a USI’ to complete your application.

From 1 July 2023, student visa holders can work no more than 48 hours a fortnight while studying. Student visa holders have no work restrictions when their course of study is not in session. You can ask for a holiday letter during these periods from ACMi for your employer.

VET, or Vocational Education and Training, offers nationally recognised training and certifications in a variety of professions, including, but not limited to, business, nursing, aged care, floristry, tourism, hospitality, building and construction, and commerce. From Certificate I to Certificate IV, as well as Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma, and Graduate Certificate, there are thousands of qualifications from which to pick. By allowing you to pursue partial certifications, short courses, skill sets, and units of competency, VET differs from other learning alternatives and enables you to acquire the precise abilities you require at the precise time you need them. VET credentials can be obtained from approved training organisations (RTOs). They could also be referred to as training businesses or training providers.

Credit and more information go to mySkills

If you're looking to start a career in a specific industry or want to gain practical skills and experience, then Vocational Education and Training (VET) may be the perfect option for you. As a VET student, you'll have the opportunity to learn in real workplace situations, taught by industry professionals who can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in your chosen field.

VET education has many benefits, including:

Equipping you with real-world skills: VET courses are designed to give a practical skills and experience that are relevant to the industry you want to work in. This means that you'll be ready to hit the ground running in your new career.

Helping you find your place in the workforce: VET courses can help to identify what you're passionate about and what type of work you enjoy. This can help you find your place in the workforce and ensure that you're doing something that you enjoy.

Giving you industry experience needed by employers: Employers are always looking for candidates with experience in their industry. VET courses provide you with the opportunity to gain real-world experience.

Leading to fantastic employment opportunities: VET courses can lead to a range of employment opportunities, particularly in industries that are experiencing growth. Credit and more information go to mySkills.

Absolutely! Attending the orientation session is not just a suggestion; it is a mandatory step before the commencement of your course. Here's why participating in the orientation is crucial:

  1. Connect with Your Peers: Get the chance to meet fellow students in your course. Building connections from day one can enhance your overall college experience.
  2. Meet Key Staff: Familiarize yourself with key staff members who are here to support you throughout your academic journey. Putting faces to names can make seeking assistance more comfortable.
  3. Discover Support Services: Learn about the various support services available to assist you in your studies. From academic resources to student services, we've got you covered.
  4. Ask Questions: Have queries or uncertainties? The orientation is the perfect time to get answers. Our team is here to address any concerns you may have.
  5. Navigate Campus: Feel more confident about finding your way around campus. Knowing the ins and outs of the college environment can make your transition smoother.
  6. Legal Insights: Gain valuable insights into the specific legal requirements as a student. Understanding your rights and responsibilities is crucial for a successful academic journey.

In this the case where a student failed to pass a unit, we offer the student a chance to participate in catch-up classes, designed to provide additional support for mastering the unit. Should a student find it challenging to succeed even with catch-up classes, a retake of the unit may be necessary. Our catch-up classes are typically scheduled during term breaks.

Our Courses